Month: December 2020

I Wanna Wingsuit, What Gear Do I Need?

First thing was first, and you got the A-License, B-License, your own rig (container, reserve, canopy, AAD, cool-guy pants, etc.), some sick video for the Gram, and a sweet still s…

So, You Want to Wingsuit?

Where to begin... It all starts on that sunny day when you show up for Accelerated Free Fall (AFF). I hope it's sunny, and you don't have to come back a week after the First Jump C…

Dihedral vs. Anhedral

There's a concept in flying wingsuits known as the Dihedral and Anhedral angle of the wings. Much of the science behind wingsuits is derived from aviation because the same forces c…

Confidence and Humility

Good Morning, This post won't have any videos because it's not about any particular jump or any particular flying skills. This post is about a state of mind. A state of confidence …

Line Twists

Line twists are not a fun experience, perhaps a little exciting though. If you skydive long enough, you will end up in line twists eventually. With wingsuiting, line twists can be …