The Way We Move

We’re going to dive a bit into some philosophical ideas here, exploring broader concepts that we’ll distill into practical information by the end.

When we think about life, the only action we can take is moving our bodies. It’s the fundamental way we bring about any desired outcome. Whether it’s strolling along the beach, resting, composing a letter, eating, or flying a wingsuit, it all just moving our bodies.

Understanding that body movement is paramount in life leads us to realize that refining how we move is the key to controlling outcomes.

Personally, I do specific daily exercises to enhance my ability to move in the precise ways I want to. For wingsuiting, movements may not align with typical everyday motions. As creatures of the earth, mastering the art of moving through the skies becomes a learning curve. Spending time in the air enables us to refine our movements and perfect our techniques.  We must rewire our brains so that we behave as creatures of the sky.

In flying, areas such as the arms, shoulders, chest, and back play crucial roles. I have a routine of daily exercises tailored to keep these muscles functioning optimally.

In the accompanying video, you’ll observe me systematically working through each body part, manipulating them together, separately, and individually. For instance, we could move one shoulder forward and down while the other moves backward and down and bending forward at the abdomen. These exercises involve slow, deliberate movements, moving a specific part of the body while keeping the others constant.

This approach to understanding body movement helps us to improve control over the body and proficiency in wingsuiting, where mastering precise movements is essential.

  • Alex
  • As WSL's primary author and contributor, Alex writes about what he has learned so you can learn from his experience. He made his first jumps on round parachutes in the U.S. Army in 2007 and started skydiving in 2014. Alex has a day job that supports his skydiving addiction.

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